The Coin: Boardingware: Distinctive Logistic Efficiency

If you needed any proof that Boardingware was long overdue, ask the parents of a boarding student. The clunky, awkward system that we had before deserved to be replaced. Rather than a tedious series of phone calls between the student, their parents, and the administrator on duty (AOD), the process of signing in and out … Continue reading

Movie Review: Doctor Strange

If you find yourself looking for something to do over the holidays, look no further than Marvel’s newest eye-popping masterpiece, Doctor Strange. The new film features a strong and recognizable cast, with incredible actors and actresses like Chiwetel Ejiofor and Rachel McAdams. And, Benedict Cumberbatch makes an appearance as the protagonist of the story. Cumberbatch … Continue reading

Pioneer Women’s Cookbook

It’s that time of year again: leaves cover the ground, a wintry chill is in the air, and the holiday season is quickly approaching! And you know what that means, it’s time to find gifts to give to the important people in your life. This year, consider giving a taste of Reserve—literally! For the third … Continue reading

Green Key Hosts Presidential Debates

With no election in recent American history being as divisive as the 2016 presidential race, it is only natural that student interest has been piqued. With the rise of such student-run clubs as Young Democrats, Young Republicans, and the new Liberal Socialists, many Pioneers are getting political for the first time. Although the majority of … Continue reading

WRA’s First Open House Welcomes Potential Students

Western Reserve Academy hosted its first Open House of the 2016-2017 school year on October 9, allowing dozens of prospective students to get a firsthand look at Reserve life and learn more about the school before application season. From 1:00 to 3:30 on that bright Sunday afternoon, a grand total of forty-seven students visited the … Continue reading