Eggplant Identities 2024

Cavendish Goo ’24 – Cavin Xue ’24 (Editor-in-Chief) Salmon French Beans ’25 – Samantha Frohring ’25 (Editor) Woodear Mushroom ’25 – Theo Woodard ’25 (Contributing Writer) Tempura Lassi ’26 – Tessa Lavi ’26 (Contributing Writer) Fizzy Raspberry ’25 – Izzy Haslinger Johnson ’25 (Managing Editor) Jelly Stew ’24 – Jenny Su ’24 (Contributing Writer) Adobo … Continue reading

Eggplant Identities

Aioli Cheese ’23 – Aly Clark ’23 (Editor) April Fulsome ’23 – Louka Scarabello ’23 (Editor) Aspasehar Gus ’25 – Sehar Mahesh ’25 (Editor-in-Chief) Bob the Tomato ’23 – Michael Coyne ’23 (Editor) Broccoliflower ’25 – ChatGPT (Contributing Writer) Cavendish Goo ’24 – Cavin Xue ’24 (Editor-in-Chief) Donut Huckleberry ’24 – Donald Heddesheimer ’24 (Contributing … Continue reading

Cartwright Dryer Fire Accident Was Not Really An Accident?

Late 2022, on a Wednesday evening, fire trucks rushed to Cartwright. Many were confused as to what was going on, but it would later be revealed that a dryer nearly caught ablaze. Although it appeared to be another dorm accident – this time caused by an economical dryer, the fiasco was actually a publicity stunt … Continue reading

Giving Tuesday Gives Back

Disclaimer: “The Eggplant” is a satirical, fictional column written by the staff of the Reserve Record. November 30th marked Western Reserve Academy’s “Giving Tuesday”. On this day, the school flooded its Instagram account and all mildly affiliated accounts with posts and stories urging the community to donate. In a recent move of innovation, the WRA … Continue reading

Reserve Sports (And Other Stuff) Network

The 2021-22 school year brought the addition of multiple new clubs at Western Reserve Academy. One that stands out above the rest is Reserve Sports Network (RSN), led by Landon Allis ’23. The group has covered athletic events from soccer games to field hockey matches to the bocce ball tournament. With such large success, RSN … Continue reading

Homecoming Video Wins Best Picture at Oscars

As the annual Homecoming Dance swiftly approaches, Western Reserve Academy students anticipate the traditional homecoming video. Produced by senior boy Student Council members, the video reveals homecoming’s theme and grants the seniors a first opportunity at asking their dates. This year’s video proved particularly impressive off recent news of its victorious Oscars run. Winning various … Continue reading

Senior Day Students Work To Raise Driving Age

Disclaimer: “The Eggplant” is a satirical, fictional column written by the staff of the Reserve Record.  Perhaps one of the biggest annoyances that upperclassmen day students, especially seniors, have had to face thus far in the year is the lack of parking at the Murdough Athletic Center. Even those who have been showing up hours … Continue reading

Listen to Your Elders, Kids

With the start of a new year, the class of 2021 looks ahead to new adventures and opportunities. As college decisions come in and the cloud of uncertainty slowly fades away, the class of 2021 rejoices in their past 4 years at Western Reserve Academy (or maybe 3, since most of the essential members enrolled … Continue reading

WRA Thanks Athletic Teams for Herd Immunity Against COVID

WRA Thanks Athletic Teams for Herd Immunity Against COVID Sword Bagel ’21Editor In a shocking turn of events, the WRA administration has praised the Reserve sports teams for their exposure to COVID-19, citing that it has created “herd immunity” among students. In a statement made late last Saturday, Mrs. Buck remarked: “COVID-19 has been a … Continue reading

“Infection Tag” With COVID Causes Outbreak

“Infection Tag” With COVID Causes Outbreak Jelly Clown ’21Editor-in-Chief Many students are shocked that their choice to break into a nursing home to contract COVID-19 and play tag led to their suspension (and immediate quarantine). A few unnamed students decided they would get infected in the nursing home and play a game of tag where … Continue reading