Comic by Gisa Karamaga ’22

– Gisa Karamaga ’22

Haunted Halloween Crossword

ACROSS 2. Male counterpart to maam 4. Hardened skin 7. Green light 9. Flour and lumber types 10. Common Catholic abbreviation 12. Plant with fronds 13. One thousandth of an inch 14. Take a ___ at it 16. Numerical info 17. Wander without purpose 19. To be, present tense 20. Number, abbreviated 22. Common greeting … Continue reading

Homecoming Video Wins Best Picture at Oscars

As the annual Homecoming Dance swiftly approaches, Western Reserve Academy students anticipate the traditional homecoming video. Produced by senior boy Student Council members, the video reveals homecoming’s theme and grants the seniors a first opportunity at asking their dates. This year’s video proved particularly impressive off recent news of its victorious Oscars run. Winning various … Continue reading

The Most Glamorous Met Gala

Often regarded as the fashion event of the year, the Met Gala has become an American tradition since its opening in 1948. This year a special version of the Met Gala was held on September 13th. Although traditionally held on the first Monday of May, the COVID-19 pandemic forced a rescheduling of the event. The … Continue reading

Squid Game Review

What would happen if you found 456 people in crippling debt and put them in a series of children’s games for a chance to pay off their debt? You get an internet-breaking Netflix show. Squid Game tackles the depths of humanity: how far are people willing to go for money? Squid Game, named after a … Continue reading

Christian Spectator

The Western Reserve Academy Archives holds some fascinating items relevant to the history of the school. One such item is this copy of The Christian Spectator, published the same year the school opened, 1826. The plaque on WRA Chapel’s front reads, “was dedicated in 1836 to the service of Almighty God.” In the early days … Continue reading

An Ode to Radiant Rose

Although most of us pass by Rose at lunch on a daily basis, many are unaware of Rose’s neat story and character. She takes so much pride and joy in learning about the lives of her students, since she remembers what it was like to have her whole life ahead of her. Rose grew up … Continue reading

Dr. Chaput’s “History”

A new faculty member of Western Reserve Academy’s social science department and a dorm head of Bicknell, Dr. Erik Chaput teaches United States History and CL Frederick Douglass at WRA. Born and raised in Rhode Island, he has always been fascinated with the history behind Rhode Island and America. Dr. Chaput also actively participated in … Continue reading

Buck Answers

1. Why is the school so heavily gendered? I understand the wish to uphold tradition, but that does not mean that modern aspects or identities more recently acknowledged cannot be incorporated. I feel that many other students and I would appreciate an environment that did not specifically denote things about you based upon what you … Continue reading

Athlete Spotlight: Emily Brackin

As Western Reserve Academy’s fall athletic season comes to an end, it comes time to congratulate exemplary students that model WRA’s missions both in the classroom and on the fields – one such student being senior captain Emily Brackin! Alongside her impressive four-year varsity Field Hockey career, you may also recognize her various accomplishments within … Continue reading