Fire and Ice: A Time for Community Growth

Each issue, two Reserve Record writers debate an important issue for “The Coin.” February’s issue is Pros vs Cons of Fire and Ice.

This year’s WRA Fire & Ice Festival was a massive success, with a wide range of creative activities that perfectly represented the theme of fire and ice. The Ohio Burn Unit wowed everyone with spectacular fire performances that included flame effects, fire juggling, special effects, fire breathers, fire eating, dancers, and more. With many Guinness World Records and film expertise, the Ohio Burn Unit knows how to put on a show. As the Ohio Burn Unit performed their astounding talents, students encircled them and cheered them on from a safe distance. If you missed their spectacular live performance, you may get a taste of what they do by visiting their website.

The festival offered a wide range of activities to keep students entertained throughout the night. Winter sports enthusiasts had a blast on the mechanical snowboard set up on the dining hall’s south side, with the person who stayed on it the longest taking home a Fire & Ice hoodie and a Cold Stone gift card. For those looking for something more low-key, Ellsworth’s DJ, Mr. Leonard, and the snowflake scavenger hunt created a pleasant and calm atmosphere. The scavenger hunt had advanced and junior levels, with rewards awarded for locating the most snowflakes or completing the map. The scavenger hunt was a great activity to do with friends. It gave the students the opportunity to try out the many sports and activities available at the Fire and Ice Festival.

One of the festival’s most popular events was the Lux Truck, which served warm fries, various types of ice cream, and hot chocolate to help visitors stay warm. The fries were a particularly popular item. The students enjoyed some crispy, warm fries with a side of hot chocolate to stay warm in the January winter cold. The Lux Truck was a great way for students to take a break from outdoor activities and enjoy a warm snack.

Outdoor enthusiasts enjoyed the bonfire with s’mores on the Ellsworth patio and street hockey on College St. The WRA hockey game live stream in the Ellsworth Atrium also brought out student fans to cheer on the Pioneers. The bonfire was a great way for students to gather together and enjoy the warmth of the fire while roasting marshmallows for s’mores. Street hockey was a fun way for students to enjoy the winter weather and get some exercise. The live stream of the WRA hockey game allowed students to stay involved with the school’s sports teams and support the Pioneers.

Foodies were in for a treat with the WRA Inferno in Green Key, which served spicy hot ramen and ice cream to cool down. The spicy hot ramen allowed students to warm up on a cold winter night, while the ice cream was a refreshing treat to cool down. The homemade cookies made by Mrs. Anzaldi were available on the South Side of the Dining Hall were a delicious and comforting snack that everyone enjoyed.

For those who love games, there were plenty of options, such as Pin the Nose on the Snowman, Fireball Bowling, Icy Hot Tic-Tac-Toe, The Snowball Toss, and the new game, Battle the Blaze. These fun little games allowed for small competitions amongst students while still staying creatively within the theme of “fire and ice.” 

To top off the night, a fireworks show at 8:00 p.m. in the front fields was the perfect main attraction. The gorgeous show went on for over 15 minutes and stunned the crowd of students who had gathered on the front soccer fields. Many students recorded the experience on their phones, creating a memory of the event they could look back on.

After the show, a mixer followed the Hot One’s Interviews at 8:45 p.m. at Green Key, where contestants answered questions while eating some of the hottest hot sauce around! Everyone watching had a good laugh at the contestants’ reactions to the sauces, which consisted of four teachers and four students. This was a fun and lighthearted way to end the festival, and it brought the students and teachers together in a unique way.

Overall, the WRA Fire & Ice Festival was a huge success, with something for everyone to enjoy. From fire performances to winter sports, from games to food, and from firework shows to hot sauce interviews, the festival offered a wide range of activities to keep everyone entertained throughout the night. It was an event not to be missed, and thanks to the success of this year’s festival, the WRA Fire & Ice Festival is an event to put on your calendar for next year! It was an event that brought students, teachers, and staff together for a night of fun and entertainment. Go Pioneers!

Donald Heddesheimer ’24

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