The World Mourns the Death of the Queen

One of the most photographed women in the world; the woman who entertained 13 United States Presidents and 14 United Kingdom Prime Ministers; the face on 500 billion stamps and on the currency of 15 countries. September 8th, 2022 marks the death of Britain’s longest serving monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. After a 70-year reign, millions have never known their country without her as head of state.

Numerous world leaders expressed their gratitude for the Queen’s constant presence and diligence. Many referenced her complete dedication to her life’s work. President Biden sent his deepest condolences, saying, “Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was more than a monarch. She defined an era.” He ordered all American flags in public buildings and grounds to be flown half-mast until sunset on the day of her burial as a mark of respect. The queue for the public to view the Queen’s lying in state at Westminster Abbey reached 10 miles, with a wait time of over 24 hours.

There were dissenting voices, however, with some reflecting on how her legacy was not one to admire. When Queen Elizabeth II was first crowned, more than a quarter of the world’s population was under British imperial rule. Although the British Empire is now a thing of the past, many find it hard to separate the Queen from the history of colonialism that she is intrinsically attached to. Especially due to what Karen Attiah of the Washington Post described as the “horrendous cruelties and economic deprivation” that so many across the British colonies were subjected to during her reign. During the weeks after her death, many participated in discussions about the monarchy and its legitimacy. 

The United Kingdom is now under the rule of King Charles III (formerly Charles, Prince of Wales), with his wife Camilla as Queen Consort. He is head of the Commonwealth, which is an association of 56 independent countries, and Head of State for 15 countries. It is unlikely that there will be another Queen in our lifetime, as the line of succession is a male one – the next two in line for the throne are William, the new Prince of Wales (40), and his son, George (9). Although Charles ascended to the throne automatically upon his mother’s death, his Coronation is expected to take place next year.

Queen Elizabeth’s funeral was attended by dignitaries from around the world, including around 100 presidents and heads of government. The funeral itself was watched by over 4.1 billion people, nearly 50% of the world’s population. Even for a Welsh student experiencing all of this thousands of miles away in Ohio, it was clear that the death of Queen Elizabeth was a momentous event in the history of the United Kingdom and indeed the world.

–  Sara Jones ’23

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