Clubs Kick Off at Club Expo

The Chess Club discusses their promotion techniques

On September 28th, Western Reserve Academy held its annual Club Expo. This was an opportunity for all the various clubs and organizations to make themselves known and recruit new members. It was a great opportunity for clubs to gain new members, and students to become more involved in the community. 

All along Brick Row, there were carefully decorated tables for each club. This year, there were organizations dedicated to practically anything one could think of. From cosmetics to writing to religion, there was a club for everyone. 

Many clubs from previous years made an appearance. These returning clubs include Model UN, Black Student Union, Tunes n Dudes, Reserve Christian Fellowship, Young Republicans, GSA, and more. These clubs have consistently shown their involvement in WRA community and their impact on the positive disposition of students.

Most notable of all was the Chess Club. Chess club did not go unnoticed for their recruitment strategy. It was almost impossible to show up at Club Expo without getting a well-delivered pitch from the Chess Club, which landed them over 50 members. With custom t-shirts, posters, and a committed leadership team, they were most definitely a stand-out table. Their creative marketing methods definitely paid off, making them memorable, even to students who did not sign up. 

Most of the others decided to go with a more traditional approach, with candy on their table in order to persuade their audience. Although they stuck to the basics, they were able to gather interest. The temptation of snacks and sweet treats was still enough to gain plenty of new members.

In addition to the older clubs, though, there were some newer clubs that showed up. This includes Potion Club, WRA Nail Art, WRA POMS, Girls Who Code, Thespian Club, and more. For them, Club Expo was the first time showing the school what their organization was about. 

Potion Club made a strong appearance with their unique concept, delicious samples, and colorful poster, gathering pages of signups. 

After the night finished, many clubs took to social media or email to reach those who were unable to attend. By now, most of the clubs are off the ground and have outlined their plans for this year. 

Sehar Mahesh ’25 says, “Club Expo is a great place to show off your interests and find others who love the same things you do.” The WRA Club Expo was a huge success this year, and it showed the spirit and diversity of Reserve students like no other event.

 – Skye Graham ’23

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