Annie Nguyen’s Astonishing Accomplishments

Western Reserve Academy takes great pride in honoring students with high academic achievements, such as Annie Nguyen ’23. You may have seen her receive the Cum Laude award or watched her lead the tennis team as one of the captains; her positive energy is unmatched.

You might have heard of Nguyen’s documentary, Dimsum Diplomacy: Chinatowns in America which highlights the firsthand experiences of Asian Americans; she even interviews a few in Chinatown to incorporate other voices. She explains how early Asian immigrants fled to Chinatown, sheltering from racists in America and further using it as a place to gain acceptance. She also underlines the development of discrimination against Asian Americans and its remaining presence in our modern-day world. This project brought awareness to past and current Asian American issues and taught Nguyen more about her cultural identity. When submitting this for National History Day, she knew little of the upcoming opportunities that would unfold for her… A few days after winning first place in the state for her documentary, a history magazine called Echoes Magazine reached out to Nguyen, asking her to write an article summarizing her documentary. The documentary is only one of her many remarkable accomplishments taking place throughout her high school career.

One of the many reasons Nguyen is so academically successful is thanks to her exceptional time management skills. As a dorm prefect, a member of the Honor Advisory Council, and more, her time management is a leading factor in her success. In addition, Nguyen is an editor-in-chief for Viewpoints, the school’s nonfiction literary magazine, promoting student voices. Although the position requires significant dedication and hard work, she is grateful for the platform she has to allow others to share their voices. She explained that “seeing students enthusiastic about their stories and learning more about their identities makes [her] happy.”

Although Nguyen juggles multiple commitments, she still manages to have an excellent balance of her social, athletic, and academic life. The support from her friends and teachers has given Nguyen a foundation for hard work. She would like to thank all of her teachers; she emphasized that “their consistent support is the reason [she] feels less afraid of stepping out of [her] comfort zone and played a huge factor in [her] academic success.” Nguyen is an excellent example of what you can accomplish when you remain dedicated to your passions. It is clear that Nguyen is an inspiring member of the WRA community, and the bright path that she has ahead is unmistakable. As she takes on her senior year, the WRA community cannot wait to see what accomplishment Nguyen tackles next.

Claire Hua ’25

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