Why Android Is Better

Android (left) vs. iPhone (right)

In America, even here at Western Reserve Academy, an iPhone is supposedly the “proper” handheld mobile device. Any other type of phone is considered foreign and is frowned upon. I know a number of people who say, “iPhones are better than Android phones.” I think they are just annoyed because when they text an Android phone, the message bubbles are green. Their statement is partly correct. iPhones are better for their purposes. But when comparing the actual functions of the devices themselves, Android smartphones surpass iPhones.

Let us begin by comparing the most obvious difference, the prices. For example, Apple’s newly released flagship model, the iPhone 13 Pro Max, which starts at eleven hundred dollars, and its Android competitor, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 5G, which starts at a much lower nine hundred dollars. It is worth noting that the average cost of an Android device is always lower than an iPhone. The two listed phones are the best and most powerful phones each company makes. Since Apple has the more expensive phone, that must make it the better product, right? Not at all. The Samsung phone has hardware that is significantly more advanced than that of the iPhone 13. The Galaxy also has a 7.6 inch folding screen, while iPhone 13 has a 6.7 screen. In fact, on the front side, the Galaxy even contains another 6.2 inch display. That is more than one foot of combined screen length. Additionally, Galaxy has a larger battery with 4400 milliamp hours (mAh) compared to iPhone 13’s 4352 mAh. Finally, with 12 gigabytes (GB) of RAM, Galaxy possesses double the memory of the iPhone’s 6 GB. Remember, Samsung costs 200 dollars less. Other advantages that most Android smartphones hold over iPhones include a streamlined file system, expandable storage, third party replacements, universal USB type c ports and reverse wireless charging. Clearly, the list is quite long and it proves a normal Android device is a more innovative product and always a step ahead of the iPhone.

After conducting this comparison between Apple and Android smartphones, it is clear that Androids are far superior devices in all aspects (such as hardware, software, compatibility and price). The capabilities of an Android device create a potential that grants the user infinite opportunities. It allows for greater customisation, personalization and accessibility because it is made with the individual consumer in mind. Apple phones are meant to group individuals together, forming a tight knit, iPhone community. Furthermore, iPhones were built for the average consumer, one who needs a phone that suits basic needs like calling, texting, basic gaming and social media use.

In the end, choosing a phone is up to personal preference. Plot twist: I use an iPhone (also an iPad, a Macbook and a pair of Airpods). Whatever option you choose, do some research before purchasing it. Examine the technical specifications, the price and compare different phones. Basically, always try to select the device that is easiest for you to use. Even as a permanent iPhone user, I still encourage you to explore the alternative devices. After all, the only way to truly know which device is good for you is by testing it. If you do not like it, sucks for you because you have to a wait a while before changing a phone; but if you like it, you have found a companion that you will spend seven hours a day with.

Keshav Mody ’22

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