Buck Answers

1. Why is the school so heavily gendered? I understand the wish to uphold tradition, but that does not mean that modern aspects or identities more recently acknowledged cannot be incorporated. I feel that many other students and I would appreciate an environment that did not specifically denote things about you based upon what you were assigned at birth or choosing which students of any gender might be more comfortable with.

Thank you for sharing such an important perspective. Consciousness of gendered language and use of different terms is certainly an area in which we can and will grow.

2. Why are shoulders not allowed to show? Saying they’re “distracting” is an archaic way of thinking.

The desire to be able to bare shoulders has been heard. This can be discussed when the dresscode is next reviewed.

3. Is there any way to increase day student parking? Are there any other places we can park?

Unfortunately WRA has a limited number of parking spaces. We can investigate where additional spaces could be plotted for the future.

4. Why was the decision made to put sit-down meals on a hiatus? Those stood out to me as something that made Reserve unique. They made me love it here. Now that they’re gone, it feels a little like a regular, public school.

Sit-down meals are a phenomenal means of coming together in community. Unfortunately they were placed on pause due to COVID concerns with the volume of diners in a limited period of time. We look forward to when sit-down meals can recommence. In the meantime we will continue to structure other opportunities for community connection around food, such as advisory meals and our recent fun day field party.

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