Athlete Spotlight: Emily Brackin

Captain of the field hockey team, Emily Brackin ’22

As Western Reserve Academy’s fall athletic season comes to an end, it comes time to congratulate exemplary students that model WRA’s missions both in the classroom and on the fields – one such student being senior captain Emily Brackin! Alongside her impressive four-year varsity Field Hockey career, you may also recognize her various accomplishments within leadership, including those of being a Student Listener, A Pioneer Leader, and a Service Leader. In fact, due to her outstanding commitment, she was honored with the St. Lawrence Service Books Award – awarded to juniors who displayed distinct achievements on community service within their campus.

Ever since she started playing the sport in fifth grade, Field Hockey has always held a special place in Brackin’s heart; especially, considering that this year marks her seventh consecutive year of participation in the sport. When asked about her favorite part of being involved in Reserve’s Field Hockey team, she responded that her “favorite part [was] playing with a team that feels more like family,” – a goal that our community aims to uphold. WRA’s athletic tradition develops a unique space where all students, regardless of their skill level and athleticism, can thrive.

Brackin, based on her roles as a mid-field and defensive player, explained that being an athlete had contributed a lot to her character. This in turn, allowed her to be a more confident, positive, and organized person. In terms of idols, Brackin has had many idols within her life. She adds that her role models are former senior athletes that she played with throughout her entire athletic career – including alumni such as but not limited to Delia Rabatin ‘21, Carlin Szilagyi ‘20, and Julia Clarke ‘20. These students helped cultivate her desire to improve in the sport, while also encouraging her to remain determined along the way.

As for her advice for other student-athletes, Brackin encourages others to try their best by leaving everything they can on the field; but most importantly wishes to remind people that they should always have fun while playing. As Field Hockey formally ended their season with their banquet on October 15, nobody can truly deny the contributions that Brackin has made to the team. The program will forever remember her dedication and impact. We cannot wait to see what Brackin accomplishes during the rest of her senior year and beyond her time at Reserve!

Angela Benzigar ’22

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