Artist Spotlight: Addien Lewis

Addie Lewis ’25 poses outside for a photo.

Does the name Addie Lewis sound familiar to you? If not, her recent artwork in the Reserve Record may be more recognizable. While Addie is only a freshman starting out her career here at WRA, she has already begun creating art for the Reserve Coin and will continue to for the rest of the year. The Coin is a page in the Reserve Record that offers Western Reserve Academy artists to show off their skills, as well as highlight writers for the Reserve Record.

Her first two pieces for the Coin follow a prompt of drawing a portrait of the writer and also include an art piece representing the writers’ argument. Addie’s drawings of Skye Graham and Mira Zamarro can be seen on page eight of the most recent issue of the Reserve Record.

Addie has had a passion for creating, learning about and admiring art for as long as she can remember. This passion blossomed into something more significant when the pandemic started about a year and a half ago. Addie took this extra free time to work on her artistic talents. Addie also stated that her skills are “mostly self-taught”. The majority of her art experience comes from the art clubs and classes she took at her previous school. Here, at WRA she had been able to continue her passion and involvement in art clubs through the Coin.

In learning about art and developing her talents, Addie has found a favorite medium: acrylic paint. One of the reasons for this is because she uses and has used it significantly more than any others. Addie emphasized that she does her best in trying to paint as much as she can in her freetime, but it has recently been more difficult due to much of her time being taken up by schoolwork, playing the cello, and other extracurriculars.

Despite this, Addie really hopes to make more time for it in the future because of what art means to her. For Addie, art is a form of relaxation and fun. When creating art she gets the chance to do something she loves, while bringing joy to others. In the future, Addie is looking forward to becoming more involved in the art community at WRA, continuing to create pieces for the Coin, starting new projects and developing her artistic skills.

– Emma Leechalk ’24

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