Students Who Don’t Care—Where Are They Now?

Students Who Don’t Care—Where Are They Now?-Queen Quince

They were made famous by their announcement at the WRAP (the premiere late-night talk show here at Western Reserve Academy), but where are they now? WRA’s newest club, Students Who Don’t Care, opened with a bang – and a pie to the face of Carter Frato-Sweeney ’22. But it’s been over a month since then, and the continued silence from club president Noah Luch ’20 has students wondering if Students Who Don’t Care will simply fade into oblivion like so many clubs before it.

“Oh, we’re still here,” explains Luch, “we just don’t care.” When pressed for further comment, Luch sighed, “Ok, well, it’s true, we haven’t done anything big since the announcement at the WRAP, but I really think it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. We kill a dog here and there. We distribute a care package or two. I throw a pie in Carter’s face. I think we’re doing a really great job bringing a very strong sense of not caring to campus.”

When asked whether Students Who Don’t Care has any plans for the rest of the semester as classes move online, Luch added, “Yes, of course. We are still available to mail care packages to anyone in need of a good dose of apathy. Additionally, we will be planning raids to steal toilet paper from students’ houses and cough in public places. Watch your email for further details.”

Only time will tell what is next for Students Who Don’t Care. Will they disappear after Luch’s graduation? Or will this club be maintained for years to come and be held up alongside such greats as Students Who Care and Board Game Club as a mainstay of the school’s culture? In the eyes of this humble reporter, though, the answer is a resounding yes – this is the beginning of the long and glorious tradition of SWDC.

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