Mrs. Buck Enrolls as a PG

Mr. Buck Enrolls as a PG-Grace Grapes


The 2019-2020 school year brought with it a host of new additions to the WRA faculty, one of the most memorable being Mrs. Suzzane Walker Buck, the new Head of School. Mrs. Buck and her administration instituted many new changes, pushing for more options that would hopefully give the students and faculty a better experience. Mrs. Buck is so invested in student life that she even rapped during her first introduction to the student body last year.  Upon further reflection regarding the past year, she concluded she needed to be even more active within the student body.


“I feel a great need to connect with my students,” she was heard telling an anonymous source. So, she laid out her new plan for the 2020-2021 school year. Not only will Mrs. Buck be gracing the halls as the energetic and enthusiastic head of school that you know, but also as a member of the class of 2021! She will be pulling a Brandt Aker and become a PG. This led to all sorts of questions from students. Will Mrs. Buck still be Head of School? Will she attend classes? And, most importantly, will she get a diploma during graduation? The answers to all of those, respectively, are yes, yes, and to be determined.


When asked what they thought of the idea, students responded with mixed answers. One student was incredibly supportive of the idea, saying, “Of course, I’m thrilled! Hanging out with Mrs. Buck sounds super fun, and she’ll learn a ton.” Another correspondent commented, “My only concern is Mrs. Buck might not be able to remain impartial toward matters dealing with students. But I guess if it makes her commiserate with us, it’s okay.” That’s the spirit, WRA!


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