Wu Performs “Mermaid’s Song”

On September 1 during morning meeting, Rain Wu ’20 performed a piece for the Western Reserve Academy community. The piece was “The Mermaid’s Song,” written by Austrian composer Joseph Haydn. Wu learned this song during her freshman year at WRA and enjoyed singing it. During her performance Wu sang in Bel Canto, a style of operatic singing using a full, rich, broad tone and smooth phrasing.

Wu got this amazing opportunity thanks to Academy Choir director Margaret Karam ’79, who was the one who chose Wu to sing at morning meeting. Karam explained, “Rain was ready, and sounded great and confident in her lessons. And that was exactly what I was looking for.”

“It was my first time to sing solo in morning meeting. I was a little bit nervous to sing in front of all the students in Reserve,” Wu explained. “Performance in public is different [from] practicing in Hayden, since I need to express the emotion in the song to all audience. They do not just listen to the music and accept the voice. Facial expressions and movements are also important. It was a challenge for me, but I finally made it,” reflected Wu.

Wu’s performance certainly made an impact on students and faculty alike. “It was awesome! I’ve always known Rain was an amazing singer, but that proved it,” exclaimed Ellie Frato-Sweeney ’20. “That was so great!” confirmed Noah Luch ’20. Karam added, “She did a fabulous job!”

“I want to thank Ms. Karam for giving me the opportunity to perform this song, and I will keep working on my voice, trying to get better,” concluded Wu.

– Regina Aguilar ’20

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